Sharp LC-40LE810UN LC-52LE820UN LC-60LE820UN LC-46LE810UN LC-52LE810UN LC-60LE810UN DKEYMF452FM11 (KF452, XF452WJZZ) Main Board
Sharp LC-60LE810UN DKEYMF452FM11 (KF452, XF452WJZZ) Main Board
Part Type: Main Unit, Main Board, VGA Input, HDMI Input, A/V Board, Signal Board, Tuner Board, USB Input, Digital Audio Output, Ethernet Input
Part Number: DKEYMF452FM11
Part Usage: LCD
MFR Part Number 1: Sharp DKEYMF452FM11
Board Number(s): KF452, XF452WJZZ
Panel Manufacturer: Sharp
Notes, Comments & Additional Information: QUICK TV PARTS recommends ordering by part number whenever possible. Often times there are TV models that use more than one set of parts and/or panels.
Brands: Sharp
Important Message: !!! IMPORTANT--PLEASE NOTE !!! It's likely that this board needs to be configured to work with your specific TV model after installation. Without performing this step, the board will likely appear defective or the picture on the screen will be the wrong size. The instructions for this process can be found at:
TV Part Types: Main Board
TV Models:
Please were not a guess / testing store if your not sure contact us.
Horizontal lines on the screen are NEVER caused by a board.
Horizontal lines indicate a defective LCD panel (screen) no part except a NEW screen will fix it.
We recommend ordering by part number Always, never go off the back sticker alone, remove the part from the TV and confirm all numbers MATCH perfect.
Part number can be found on white bar-code sticker on board.
Often times there are TV models that use more than one set of parts and/or panels.
Important Message: Part number can be found on the sticker of the board or part.
Please see all of the high-res photos for details!