Terms - Shipping Terms, Returns & Other Info.
We will process and ship your order within 3 business days after confirmation of your payment. Tracking information will be e-mailed to you when it becomes available. If you checked out and gave no e-mail there will be no tracking information sent. In general, our flat-rate shipping covers all states in the US except Alaska, Hawaii, Guam and Puerto Rico. Please contact us in advance for a quote to these states or provinces, or for international rates. If selecting local pickup, please add the tax to your total cost.
Refunds will be given to defective, incorrectly described or DOA items. A 20% restocking fee will be deducted from the refund for Non-Defective returns. Refunds will also be given to items that arrive physically damaged thru shipping. We will require pictures of damaged item and the shipping box prior to initiating a return for ins claim reasons. If you are returning an item, make sure it is packed well. Ensure security sticker is intact and not altered this will void any return. We will not be responsible if the item arrives physically damaged via return post.