Samsung BN96-35224W TV Stand Complete With Screws
RH48E, UN40J5200AF, UN40J520DAF, UN40J5500AF, UN40J6300AF, UN43J5000AF, UN43J5200AF, UN48J5000AF, UN48J5200AF, UN48J5201AF, UN48J520DAF, UN48J5500AF
OEM Part Number(s): BN96-35224W, BN63-1325X020
Board Number(s): BN96-35223A, BN61-11465X001
We recommend ordering by part number Always, never go off the back sticker alone, remove the part from the TV and confirm all numbers MATCH perfect.
Part number can be found on white bar-code sticker on board.
Often times there are TV models that use more than one set of parts and/or panels.
Important Message: Part number can be found on the sticker of the board or part.
Please see all of the high-res photos for details!